The Housing Choice Voucher (Section 8) program is MRHA6’s largest rental assistance program with about 5,021 vouchers. The “housing choice voucher” is a 100% federally funded rental subsidy for low-income households living in privately owned rental units. MRHA6 voucher holders pay 30% of their gross income toward rent (or a minimum rent of $50, whichever is higher), and the agency pays the balance of the rent directly to the landlords on behalf of the families. For information on MRHA6’s payment standards, click here.
Our agency’s other voucher programs serve targeted populations and may combine housing assistance with saving incentives and/or case management services provided in collaboration with community service agencies.
Voucher holders may qualify to participate in the Family Self-Sufficiency Program and the Home-Ownership Program. Other Section 8 voucher programs include the Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing (VASH), Non-Elderly Disabled Family Program (NED), Project-Based Voucher Program and the Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) Program.